Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 11

Welcome to Episode 11. Before we get started, I just wanted to say: If you’re feeling more confident now and are ready to start actively speaking Russian, I encourage you to get my Russian Made Easy podcast. I promise, it’ll have you talking right from the start.


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 12

Welcome to Episode 12. We’ll review the previous episode a little later. For now let’s jump to today’s new construction.
У меня есть
That’s three separate words. Listen again.


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 13

Welcome to Episode 13. So, you’re visiting a Russian family. Dedushka has been in the kitchen, preparing something. Finally he comes out carrying a tray of little meat slices, and he tells you: Попробуй. Not hungry, you wave it off. So dedushka turns to you, Melissa, and again offers…


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 14

Welcome to Episode 14. Today we’re going to listen to a slew of clips from Russian cartoons. Before getting to that, though, let’s review the previous episode with my little boy William. Bear in mind, at this recording, he’d just turned three…


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 15

How would you translate the following phrase:
Папа дал мне ключ.
Dad gave me the key.
So that little word мне translates as “to me.”


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 16

Welcome to Episode 16. Before you started this course, you probably encountered the phrase: My name is…For ex: My name is Steve. Меня зовут Стив. We’ve used it quite a bit in these podcasts, but I never actually broke that down for you.


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 17

Welcome to Ep. 17. Glad you tuned in because I think this episode will prove to be instrumental to your success in Russian. Yeah, I know…You’re thinking: Why did he use that particular word, instrumental? You guys are on to me. Hang around and you’ll see. For now, listen as our speaker tells you who he was


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 18

Welcome to Ep18. Let’s start with a brief conversation. Along with trying to get the gist of what they’re saying, try to listen for words that end with an “и” sound. Ready?
Где мама и папа?
Они пошли в магазин. (door opens) О! Вот они. Привет мама, привет папа. Что купили?


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 19

Welcome to Ep 19.Today’s episode will focus on one of the most intimidating aspects of the Russian language: The notorious Verbs of Motion. It’s a topic worthy of it own podcast, and in my Accelerator course there are ten in-depth lessons—two full weeks of material—dedicated to mastering them.


Understanding Spoken Russian – Learn Russian Ep. 20

This is it, guys. Episode 20… the final exam of Understanding Spoken Russian. As a warm up, we’re going to start by listening to a long monologue from Alex. There won’t be any follow up questions. This is just to listen to and follow along.